MPs may trust doctors to manage assisted dying. Disabled people like me cannot | Liz Carr
Two friends recently woke up in hospital to find ‘Do not resuscitate’ orders on their notes. We’re all too aware that some lives aren’t valued as much as others
It’s a cold November evening, and MPs are no doubt snuggled up wondering what to watch on TV and how to vote on Kim Leadbeater’s assisted dying bill. What a perfect opportunity to watch my documentary on that very theme, Better Off Dead?.
You may know me or you may not. I’m the wheelchair-using disabled woman who spent eight years playing the forensic boffin Clarissa in the BBC drama Silent Witness. I’m also a disability rights activist, and when it comes to assisted suicide (as I prefer to call it) I’m a bit of a nerd. Oh yes, and I’m opposed to a change in the law: I don’t think we should allow medical professionals to assist some people to end their lives.
Liz Carr is an actor and disability rights activist
Read the original article at The Guardian